Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Of My Favorite Vision Therapy Toys

This is one of my favorite vision therapy toys for a baby.  It works well in the dark or low lighting.  The light changing is slow and the colors are vibrant without being overwhelming.  This is perfect as many CVI babies and toddlers have light sensitivity and aversion.  While they should not  be left with this toy unattended, this is a soft material and easily held in two little hands.  The lights change slowly and are soft.  When my son was a baby, he was slow to go to sleep.  I found this a perfect toy to sit with him in bed with while he played with it for a few minutes.  Remember, a few minutes here and there go a long way in potentially improving and maximizing your child's visual potential.  My son's eyes would light up when he saw this toy.  It is also a good idea to watch closely how your infant or toddler looks at this toy.  Notice if they tend to always hold it up to one eye, or in one particular area of their visual field.  This can be a tremendous help in giving you clues as to where in the visual field your child can see best.

I took a video of one of our eggs.  I will have to retake it soon as the quality is not the best and a TV was on in the room and the time of my taking the video.  However, it should give you a pretty good idea as to the look and feel of the toy.

Video of an OGGZ in Action

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